Saturday, June 6, 2009

In Chi Town Quick Update!

So much has happened but we haven't been able to get to a place with Internet and my friend Sam doesn't have Internet in his apt in Chicago so there has been a serious lack of twitted updates as well as blog posts and for that we are sorry. For now I am typing on my itouch using free wifi. I won't be able to type everything here but no worries more tweets and updates are on the way! In short, st. Louis was amazing and we slept in a wal mart parking lot! Not as bad as you would think. We woke up and checked out union station and then made our way over to the gateway arch! Soooo much bigger than expected and we even got discounts with our America the beautiful pass! St. Louis surprised the hell out of me and if I had to move there I wouldn't mind it because it was just that nice! We also met Ferrari there but I'll save that story for when I have a keyboard. Next was Indianapolis the night before we got there involved the three of us holding weapons and screaming into the woods than hiding in the car from... Another story for the keyboard haha. For now it's chi town and going out clubing with my good friend and number one dj in Chicago DJ Moptop! Tonight should get interesting. Also we had to break into our friends apartment but scaling a wall and pushing thru his window we will have to thank an or having a place to rest our feet Goethe afternoon! Didn't want to leave you guys hanging! Much much more to come! The road is long but will it be long enough? I keep thinking about you...


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