Friday, March 6, 2009

And So It Goes...

As this conversation was going on, (via IM), Andrew had no idea I was transcribing it and placing verbatim into the website. This is us. Enjoy.

Andrew: I like the idea for a shared first entry.
Adam: Alright
Adam: wanna get to work?
Andrew: Sure.
Andrew: So, we got all these cities.
Adam: we can edit as we go along
Andrew: Yeah.
Adam: How do you want to do it?
Andrew: I don't know, let's just talk about how insanely excited we are to be doing this.
Andrew: Like, I didn't sleep much last night.
Adam: I think we should start "Hey America - It's Adam and Andrew"
Adam: or talk about ourselves a little bit, get people excited to read more
Adam: like want to hang out with us
Andrew: Yeah.
Adam what if we spray paint 49 all across america
Adam: let them know that we were here.
Andrew: I like that.
Adam: yeah, so lets start.
Adam: "Hey America - It's Adam and Andrew"
Adam: *oh put everythig in qoutes that you want to end up on the blog
Andrew: "Dude, we're gonna need a ton of spray paint."
Adam: "So everyone keeps telling me that we need to have a reason for going on this trip. I'm not sure what our reason is, but I know that by going on it, we are doing a good thing."
Andrew: "I wasn't even sure it's a good thing. I mean, I'm thinking carbon footprint and other shit like that, but I'm more than certain I need it. I think we both do."
Adam"I think America needs it."
Andrew: Ha ha, kitchy. Nice!
Adam: "There's a lot to America, and I want to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch all of it. I want to be it. And most of all, I want to meet people that otherwise I would never get the chance to meet."
Adam: "Hear their stories, and learn from their experiences."
Andrew: "We got nine weeks to fill with it. I'm just hoping to get lost in the backwoods of some po-dunk town and meet the girl of my dreams."
Andrew: "Then leave in the morning."
Adam: "I want to get drunk with a cattle rancher in South Dakota and go cow tipping"
Andrew: "I don't think a cattle rancher would be too keen on that. Maybe his son would though."
Adam: Good point.
Andrew: "You know I've never seen the west coast?"
Andrew: "Never seen the pacific. It's a figment to me. I can't wait to taste the salt."
Adam: "I grew up there, at least for a bit."
Adam: "I want to go to a big crazy party with kids in the mid-west. Mid-West knows how to party."
Adam: "Or stay on an Indian reservation in New Mexico"
Adam: "Or eat the biggest burger in Oklahoma"
Andrew: "I'll be content to wander around tripping balls on Peyote in the desert. I can't wait to see how flat Montana is."
Adam: "Or chill in some hot springs, somewhere with some cool people."
Adam: "Man, this great is really gunna be something."
Andrew: "Remember two summers ago? I feel like that was practice. Like waking up to early and badgering our friends till they came with us was a preamble to this. We found some things that I would have never seen before, and they were within ten miles of my house my whole life."
Andrew: "We been on this big ball of water and land for over twenty years. That's a long time. That's two lifetimes. I've been a million people. I can't wait to see what emerges at the end of the trip."
Andrew: Side note: I need to go pick up a pizza, be back in five.
Adam: Alright, Later bro



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